Monday, February 19, 2007

Jordanic Randomness that is life.

Brief moments of Jordanic Randomness..

I've fused words together in solid ways to make better words recently... well one is my personal creation. Another is attributed to my buddy Scotty.

My word is funxy. It's a mash-up of funny and sexy. I'm very funxy. As are many of my friends. Yes. I'm talking about you friend (insert name here).

Scotty's addition to the language is guitarty. It's a guitar party. They're the bees' knees.

Guitarty. Funxy. Love it and live it.

And here's a sweet pic from school today. Me looking forlornly out the window. In my lovely new palpation shorts. $3 at VV. What a score. I feel like Magnum PI. Except taking massage therapy courses.

Props to buddy Dave from school on taking this stellar picture. With sweet reflection action.

I'm feeling funxy, lets get a guitarty going dang it!

And if you think this pic is scandalous boy you should see what happens when I tie up my shoe laces! But you have to specifically request those pictures.

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