Saturday, December 31, 2011

Adventures in Sillyness - Year in Review 2011

Adventures in Sillyness - Year in Review 2011

It being the end of the year, I've delved into the video archives from my youtube stream and selected my favourites of 2011 and shall present them in 4 categories.

Now we're getting to the good stuff ;) For I do enjoy being silly. At some point while wading through the crap of life I realized that we can laugh, we can smile, we can look around and see things in different ways. So I tend to do that. And oftentimes other people will laugh and smile too. So with no further ado, I present my favourite Adventures in Sillyness from 2011.

A Cautionary Tale involving a Mooseskin Jacket and a Woodwind

Storage Units are Creepy

If I ever own a truck and a recliner...

Discovering Mysterious Structures of Unknown Purpose

The Sechelt Wharf... cautiously

A Poor Man's Whale Watching Trip in Horseshoe Bay, British Columbia, Canada

This concludes my 2011 Adventures in Sillyness.
But don't worry as I saved my favourites for the next, and final, Year in Review 2011 video recap when I'll look at a number of Adventures with Friends from last year ;)

May you find the adventures that are waiting all around :)

Adventures in Nifty Places - Year in Review 2011

Adventures in Nifty Places - Year in Review 2011

It being the end of the year, I've delved into the video archives from my youtube stream and selected my favourites of 2011 and shall present them in 4 categories.

The two videos that comprise the Adventures in Nifty Places category were actually both filmed near Hope, British Columbia. Which is a pretty nifty place indeed! These videos contain something of my curiousity and wonder at the places I find myself, as well as the little things I notice and discover. I know a number of people who really like them, and I enjoy making and sharing them, but for my favourites I lean towards things a titch more silly/involving friends ;) Which is why this is the shortest category in this year's Maplemusketeer Youtube review.

Next year I'll record myself in more nifty places ;)

Canoeing on Texas (Klahatter) Lake in my favourite weather. Adventurous mystery weather!

Kawkawa (Sucker's) Creek nature moment - Hope BC

Adventures in "How To" Photography - 2011 Year in Review

Adventures in "How To" Photography

It being the end of the year, I've delved into the video archives from my youtube stream and selected my favourites of 2011 and shall present them in 4 categories.

Adventures in "How To" Photography can basically be summed in the following pieces of practical advice which are then backed up through video example. If you follow these 3 pieces of advice you will become a better photographer. ;)

#1. Go
#2. Look around
#3. Have fun

Maplemusketeer How To - The Leg Hook

How to - Reflection Photography

How to - Take photos of awesome sunsets

This has been quite the adventurous and challenging year for me photographically. At the start of the year I took the hesitant nervous steps of sharing my photos to a broader audience beyond family and friends via DeviantArt and starting my own Facebook page. I borrowed gear and went on photoadventures to multiple locations with the intent of seeing, discovering, and trying to capture images that inspire me. I joined several photographer groups for encouragement and advice. And I joined Google Plus and saw things occur greater than I ever could have foretold or imagined. I've met so many wonderful and passionate people through the shared passion of photography and Google Plus that I'm still frequently stunned and amazed. I've gone from being a passionate wanderer with a camera, to a passionate Outdoor Adventure Editor (for with a camera.

Photographically 2011 has been quite a year of awakening and discovery. I can't even begin to hazard a guess at what 2012 will have in store for me. I shall greet it with my camera and my perspective, and delight in sharing it with you all, as you share with me your discoveries and journeys as well!

To all of you with a camera I say Go, Look Around, Have Fun.

Jordan Oram
The Maplemusketeer

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sechelt Wharf Photography Experimentation on an overcast sky day

Life is a giant playground of experimentation, and photography offers a lot of whimsyroom. You don't have to share any of your creations. You're allowed to take the various levels of contrast and colour, midtone and tint, and spread them as far or near as you'd like. Desaturate! Oversaturate! Play around and have fun.

Today I went on a little photowander around Sechelt. I went to the store and picked up a new memory card and some new rechargeable batteries for my wee Canon point and shoot (the only camera I own and what I take the majority of my photos with) with the little bit of Christmas money I was given (Thanks Grandpa! :D ) Then I wandered, as is usual for me, towards the sea.

I took a number of photos but we're going to look at what I did with this one. Firstly I'd rather shoot the image a bit darker so that I have more to work with in editing. If I exposed the sky as too white then I'd not have any data to work with there... just a bunch of white. Heck.. I'll occasionally do that on purpose for funking around in other ways, but it's not what I was looking for with this shot ;)

Then I got creative and moved a bunch of levels, and drank more tea, and put on my wool slippers.

I got the balance to where I like it. Now it's time to investigate some more cropping options. Try changing things around and see what you like, see what you don't like, learn about your preferences and what appeals to you. This is the adult photographer equivalent of finger painting. ;)

I'm ok with the fact that I use a wee point and shoot, and that the quality gets a bit suspect. Would I love to have a better camera and lens options? Heck yes I would! But I don't have those. SO this is what I can, and do, do.

Oh and lets check out those seagulls a bit more.. ;)

Cue the Wayne's World "Extreme Close-up"

So there you go. Sure it may not be the sharpest image (Ok it definitely isn't!) but it is an exploring with composition and creativity, learning to look through the image more, and will help develop your eye for trying different things in the field.

When all is said and done, my personal favourite of the set is the first edited one without any cropping. But the others are interesting experiments too!

I hope you enjoyed playing around with me and coming along for a little walk and wonder, now may you funk around with your photos and create some wonderous whimsy of your own!

Until next time,
Keep wandering and wondering,
The Maplemusketeer

Friday, December 16, 2011

As the garden grows - A perspective on pain

As the garden grows - A perspective on pain

Not wanting to encounter pain, we have developed a vast array of medications, addictions, and survival strategies. We view discomfort and struggle as bad things, to be avoided, and lives are arranged and judged by how well this is accomplished.

For pain and suffering are not comfortable or easy. And I don't intend to suggest we should celebrate or run off in search of pain. I have at times been broken physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Hurt doesn't even begin to describe the experience. Words are insufficient. But I don't need words because I know that you have felt hurt too. Life brings it. Pain is a common language of humanity. Be it a relationship ending, the shedding of assumptions and religion on our journey of understanding, or cracking your shin on a table in the night. We all know pain. It is a foundation of our experience. And I'd like to suggest that there is a better way to view pain then as an adversary to be avoided at all costs.

What if we view pain as a guide, a teacher? The path of knowledge?
What if it is the fertile soil of the garden of humanity in which we grow?

Soil and earth are not the garden full. They are the ground of potential.
So to, our world of pain and suffering in which we plant our lives, our choices, our relationships, our actions.
Fact: Shit makes us grow. And sometimes it really gets heaped on.

Everybody we look at is also a plot of earth growing based on the experiences and lessons they've encountered so far. Just like us they know pain. How can they not? We share this journey. And we can choose to help each others garden grow. A sweet community garden! With all sorts of different and wonderful plants; with hybrids and variants unimagined! How awesome is that?! Some gardens are pruned, some ordered, some chaotic, some with exotics, some with native species. All mixed and unique. Though some lay fallow and overgrown, all are beautiful with potential.

And as we tend our gardens with nurture and support we start to produce abundantly.
Some produce flowers gorgeous, or scents strong.
Some fruit or veggies.
Some create sturdy trees to dwell under, to ponder by, or to build tree forts in.
Some become grasses to weave, to watch dance in the breeze, lawns to lay on in the summer sun.
Such a diversity and wonder!

And all gardens have seasons. Times of planting and growing; harvest and rest.
We all share so much in common yet express it so differently. What a challenge. What an opportunity. What a strength.

We are gardens growing in the soil of possibility and potential.
What are each of us planting and growing?
What are we harvesting?
What season are we in at the moment?
Together we grow as we learn and live.

As our gardens grow may we find solace in the shade, fruit on our vines, and sprouts in our shit.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Maplemusketeer on writing

Today I was asked about what it takes to be a writer for a magazine. Ostensibly it's because I've been published in a magazine. So I guess when you're at a place where people are asking you for writing advice it must mean that you've got something to say. And some know a lot more than me. And some have said a whole lot more than me.

I never intended to write this post. It just happened. As a response to a question.

And for me.. that's a lot how writing can be. Just like a good photo. Waiting to be unearthed, waiting to be born and brought forth, waiting to be noticed and delivered.

yeah.. got a little deep there. It happens. ;)

So I was asked how one becomes a writer for a magazine. Lets now join my answer, already in progress.....
(the only thing I changed was a few parts the reference the town my friend and his daughter are in)

... Crazy! LOL All through connections I made sharing my photos on Google Plus, backed up by my body of work, through my blog, etc.

Which brings me to advice for your daughter who wants to write for a magazine. How often does she write? The more the better. Stephen King's book "On Writing" was one of the best writing books I've ever read. I think that makes sense. LOL Basically he shares the story of his journey.. and how it all lead him to be the writer that he is. It's worth reading. He doesn't get all freaky, but he speaks deeply. So write! Write write write. Read online stuff about it.. delve into it. But write. A huge part of the battle is grappling with the fears. What if I'm not good? What if people don't like it? What do I need to do to be a writer? If you write, you're a writer. And the more you do it, the better you get. Yeah yeah the question was about writing FOR a magazine. lol I haven't forgotten ;) In this day and age I'm going to go with... write write write. There are so many different ways that people are discovered. I think a blog is a great idea. And honestly I partly got the original magazine writing offer because she'd seen my blog a number of times. Of course she'd also met me, we almost went on a date, and I'm a good fit for the magazine they were developing. So.. I guess that boils down to who you know and being in the right place at the right time. Which may seem like luck... but really it's more statistics ;) It's odds. The more you write, the more you share, the more you meet and engage with people, the closer you get to that position you're looking for.

Has she approached the LOCAL NEWSPAPER? What other magazines are based out of YOUR TOWN? TOWN NEARBY? Etc? Some people write articles they're passionate about, or think are interesting etc, and then shop them around. They'll keep them on file and send them out to places they think would be interested. That's probably a way to get in the door. As well as asking magazine editors etc if you can interview them for a project ;) Is she still in High School? Cause if so I think that'd be a pretty smart plan ;) hehe. She might not directly get a job but she'll get more networking, advice, etc. And if she has a twitter account etc she can make those connections, interact, etc. These are all just suggestions. Date an editor? Some suggestions are better than others ;)

I'd like to say "here are 5 steps to writing for a Magazine" but really life only shows you the steps when you look backwards. Looking ahead it's basically picking what looks like the best way through the woods and striking forwards. Hopefully with wise counsel, and some more honed skills. Of course the great thing about being a writer? All of those mistakes are more material ;) Like my awesome story about being ill for 2 weeks in Guatemala culminating in my realization that it can always get worse as I'm squatting in the bushes behind the houses we're constructing and fire ants are biting my legs as I hop across the path trying to find a safe spot to be ill. Yes. Fun times? Not so much. But an awesome story!!! :D And a valuable lesson! It can always get worse, no one caught it on camera and it didn't therefore go viral on Youtube. ;)

So another example of being a writer? Write! This started out as an FB response to your question but now it's something more. Something that I'm going to cut, and paste, and share as a post. I so didn't see that coming.

The internet is so much more smarter than me ;) It's like a giant jungle of teachings and zany and collections of mistakes and learnings. And I'm willing to point out a few options/directions, just like others did a bit for me.

If she really wants it. She'll keep chasing it, and writing, and dreaming, and learning, and grinding it out, and all of a sudden she'll find herself standing in a place with a cheque in her hand and she'll say.. I'm where I thought I wanted to be. There'll be a moment of 'OH HECK YES" followed by the feeling that.. one mountain has been surmounted and found to be a hill, and there's a bigger mountain next on the path. It's an awesome goodness that many have felt and I look forward to her getting there. I did a bit ago.. and it was awesome. And then I raised my gaze and saw a bigger mountain. Also awesome. ;)

Tell you what.. I'm going to go post this part that pertains to her on my blog right now. And then I'll drop the link here for you to share with her. And she's free to contact me, ask questions, comment, follow me on twitter, or whatever. :D Follow dreams and pursue passion. You will change the world. And that goes for you too buddy ;) I hope you're exercising your dreams when you can ;)

Love you broski! I'll hopefully see you when I'm next up that way in what looks to be January.


PS You're an awesome Dad! ;)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

China Beach's Exploration

Life is better when you head for where the rainforest meets the sea. At least that's always been my experience. One February morning in 2009 a classmate and I left our school work behind us in Victoria BC and, heading west, made for the solace of nature.

Until 1996 China Beach was a Provincial Park. The Juan de Fuca Provincial Park was established to collect and connect the various Provincial Parks (China Beach Park, Loss Creek Park, Parkinson Creek Park, and Botanical Beach Park) along the Juan de Fuca trail as a contiguous park of temperate coastal rainforesty awesomeness.

So we'll start in the parking lot ;)
From Places I've wandered

(The impetus for this blog post started when Reggie Norman, Andrew Metcalfe, and Levi Moore, started engaging with this photo on Google Plus. I love how the community there is inspiring and motivating me to look at things in new ways, and share past adventures too.)

As we head towards the beach we pass an overgrown road. The forest reclaims land fairly quickly in these parts.
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

It's a good idea to stop and use the facilities before one heads off into the unknown..
I know there's an outhouse around here somewhere..
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

Next we enter an area where wind has blown down many a tree. But don't worry.. the Parks people have replanted and put lovely little white protective covers over top.
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

Still some trees stand. Limbless in places. But they stand still.
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

Some have survived damage of old. Others have not. Each tells a story.
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

In light of the forest's fall, ferns are seen on the forest's floor
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

Still the beach beckons through the Pacific mist
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

and the damp drenched growth it sustains
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

On down the trail we head.. past the lairs of real and imagined creatures
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

and somehow.. down the path and into the heart of the forest they came
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

and dumped a car?!?! What the? Gah!
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

Nearer we draw to the sea..
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

Finding old weathered stump remains rerooted in the sand and stone shore
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

We are not alone
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

One is never alone in the coastal temperate rainforest.
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

Mood effuses from everything..
from the swirling cloud.. to the grain of sand..
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

an expanse of mystery
an expanse of wonder
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

The merganser part.. a part
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

but will not share his tale with the seagull..
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

who leaves in a tizzy
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

and lands
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

to do his vampire impression.... ... mwaha..ha.
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

still the waves wash in as they will and have for millennia
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

and under the gaze of a gull.. we say farewell
From China Beach, Vancouver Island, Feb 2009,

Till next time ;)
May you see the wonder around you

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Of True Value

From Places I've wandered
We are surrounded by things beyond price
Things no money could buy, no container could hold.

And unvalued.

How lame is that?

How much for a moment's pause?
What is the cost for a child's laugh?
Discounts by the dozen?
How much per sunrise? and sunset?
The sound of rain falling on leaves?

A parent's love, a friendship, time together?
All of the potential lost in a human life cut short
by circumstance? location? policy?

How much for a bird in flight wheeling free in the air?
Or watching a salmon's long journey come to an end spawning in the stream of its own birth?

How much for the love, trust, hope, wonder, joy, and awesomeness others share with and offer us?

Surrounded by things beyond price we focus on toys and gadgets
passions and vices for temporary thrills

We are rich already, but it passes without notice
the cost and passage of time

*ps I took the above photo in June from the top of Mt.Prevost overlooking Duncan BC. We'd camped atop the mountain and watched the sunset and rise. To the vast majority of people below these events were likely not noticed in the least, or barely in passing.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mid-Month Hope Ramble Update

I'm over half-way through my September 2011 Ramble based out of Hope BC (hence the spotty updating). Here are a few images and videos to satiate your curiosity (or stoke it more ;) ) Enjoy :) Frog and Leaf
From Wandering and Wondering
Late night house cleaning at my friends' place is always better with fuzzy viking headgear and epic soundtrack music
From Profile Photos
Mt.Ogilvie in the pre-dawn morn
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond
Well there you have a brief glimpse at a fraction of what I'm up to! I hope you're all having amazing adventures and remember that where you are is exotic to the vast majority of the world, and when you are will never happen again! Go well! :D ~mm

Thursday, September 08, 2011

While just beyond Hope... rescue a frog! ;)

Having arrived in Hope on Tuesday, I volunteered and helped out around my old camp on Wednesday.

and Chef Yoshi and I rescued a frog.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

September 2011 Adventure to Hope and beyond!

Greetings from the road! I know it's only been a day but I'm going to use the internet when I have access to it and share my travels when I find the time.

Yesterday I stepped out the door in Sechelt BC and caught a few buses, a ferry, and a skytrain to get through Vancouver and the Fraser Valley to end up in Hope BC.

Approximately 217km and 7hrs travel. With some great conversations and people met on the way :)

Let us begin!
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

Mt.Elphinstone looks down upon the Langdale Ferry terminal
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

Gambier Island's two peaks peek out
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

Bowen Island through glass and glare
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

Pulling into Horseshoe Bay as the Bowen Island ferry departs.
Thank you for riding BC Ferries. There isn't much of a choice ;)
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

For my many years of travelling this route I always know my stop is next to the Vancouver Christ Church Cathedral.
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

Welcome to Pacific Central Station. From here you can catch trains or coach lines. I went with Greyhound from Vancouver to Hope. I didn't get a good picture of the front because it's all scaffolded and draped for construction.
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

My bus wasn't going to leave until 1:45pm so it was time to forage. Given the choice between McD's, generic sandwich place, and the Sushi Zone... Sushi Zone wins!
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

Humourously stylin up-selling
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

I asked him if I could take his picture and he smiled and said yes. Then he grabbed his sword.
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

On the bus and awaiting departure to head East, further into the Fraser Valley as the mountains beckon.
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

As we get further away from Vancouver we get out into some of the Fraser Valley's farmland.
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

Pulling into Abbotsford for a brief stop beneath Mt.Baker's watchful gaze.
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

Dream Pizza? Any of my Abbotsfordian friends able to give a review? ;)
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

On out to Chilliwack, through the fields and narrowing valley towards where we run alongside the Fraser.
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

The Fraser River is the longest river in BC and the 10th longest in Canada. Check out the Fraser River wiki for sweet historical, geographical, geological, hydrological awesomeness!
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

The valley has narrowed significantly. The other side is just over there. We must be nearing Hope where the valleys converge.
From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

From September 2011 Adventure - To Hope and Beyond

and as the sunsets on Mt.Ogilvie so ends the day's travel. Visiting old friends and sharing laughs and ideas, encouragement and resolve.

Go well my friends!