Saturday, December 31, 2011

Adventures in "How To" Photography - 2011 Year in Review

Adventures in "How To" Photography

It being the end of the year, I've delved into the video archives from my youtube stream and selected my favourites of 2011 and shall present them in 4 categories.

Adventures in "How To" Photography can basically be summed in the following pieces of practical advice which are then backed up through video example. If you follow these 3 pieces of advice you will become a better photographer. ;)

#1. Go
#2. Look around
#3. Have fun

Maplemusketeer How To - The Leg Hook

How to - Reflection Photography

How to - Take photos of awesome sunsets

This has been quite the adventurous and challenging year for me photographically. At the start of the year I took the hesitant nervous steps of sharing my photos to a broader audience beyond family and friends via DeviantArt and starting my own Facebook page. I borrowed gear and went on photoadventures to multiple locations with the intent of seeing, discovering, and trying to capture images that inspire me. I joined several photographer groups for encouragement and advice. And I joined Google Plus and saw things occur greater than I ever could have foretold or imagined. I've met so many wonderful and passionate people through the shared passion of photography and Google Plus that I'm still frequently stunned and amazed. I've gone from being a passionate wanderer with a camera, to a passionate Outdoor Adventure Editor (for with a camera.

Photographically 2011 has been quite a year of awakening and discovery. I can't even begin to hazard a guess at what 2012 will have in store for me. I shall greet it with my camera and my perspective, and delight in sharing it with you all, as you share with me your discoveries and journeys as well!

To all of you with a camera I say Go, Look Around, Have Fun.

Jordan Oram
The Maplemusketeer


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, my friend! Thanks for all your friendship & support in 2011, we're really looking forward to an exciting 2012 following you and your work! We also hope that this is the year we finally get a chance to meet in person!! Best wishes, my friend.

Maplemusketeer said...

Thank you Toad! A very Happy New Year to you as well :D It should be an interesting year, that's for sure LOL :D and at some point we shall share an adventure! :D