Saturday, December 31, 2011

Adventures in Sillyness - Year in Review 2011

Adventures in Sillyness - Year in Review 2011

It being the end of the year, I've delved into the video archives from my youtube stream and selected my favourites of 2011 and shall present them in 4 categories.

Now we're getting to the good stuff ;) For I do enjoy being silly. At some point while wading through the crap of life I realized that we can laugh, we can smile, we can look around and see things in different ways. So I tend to do that. And oftentimes other people will laugh and smile too. So with no further ado, I present my favourite Adventures in Sillyness from 2011.

A Cautionary Tale involving a Mooseskin Jacket and a Woodwind

Storage Units are Creepy

If I ever own a truck and a recliner...

Discovering Mysterious Structures of Unknown Purpose

The Sechelt Wharf... cautiously

A Poor Man's Whale Watching Trip in Horseshoe Bay, British Columbia, Canada

This concludes my 2011 Adventures in Sillyness.
But don't worry as I saved my favourites for the next, and final, Year in Review 2011 video recap when I'll look at a number of Adventures with Friends from last year ;)

May you find the adventures that are waiting all around :)

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