Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Of Life and Growth

All flowers have to slowly push their way through the ground and leaf litter, reach for the sky, learn to stand up, and then burst into colour. Even you and me.Another day unlike any other that has or will ever be. Let's do it well.

All flowers have to slowly
push their way through the ground and leaf litter,
reach for the sky,
learn to stand up,
and then,
burst into colour.

Even you and me.
Another day unlike any other that has
or will ever be.

Let's do it well.


ataritron said...

Beautiful photo and very inspirational! Great work!

PainInTheNeck said...

I love the new shoot coming through the decomposing leaf. Beautiful focal. :)

Maplemusketeer said...

Thank you so much Ryan and Dave! :D And thank you both for all of your support and encouragement :)

Toad Hollow Photography said...

This is beyond awesome, Jordan, what a great post here! I am totally with the other commenters here... definitely a post well worth visiting!